Superficial Relationships
I was refusing to open my books (rather go through my notes, I don't really own books) and went blog-hopping. Covered at least 30 blogs in 3 hours. Some were just typical description of their lives and even more were just boring description of their day. A particular one caught my eye. Every entry had something like:
"Darling and me one week les!! Ah~ SO happy i got darling with me. Love u much much! You and me will be together forever kkx?*muacks*"
My sincere apologies to our non Singaporean readers if there was any difficulty in readability of English. Its written in the odd native language of Singapore, but that is not the point.
That statement appeared childish to me. Immature and shallow. A public declaration of love that lasted for a week. I must say all have the rights to declare whatever they deem declarable, but on the critical point of view, how is it that one week of togetherness confidently brings about absolute partnership?
I have been always a listener to many around me and time and time again, I get broken relationships which lasted for about 3 weeks, 3 months or 6 months (where I'll be really impressed actually). So very often I ask these individuals really beautiful questions. They somewhat sound like this:
"When you are defecating and she/he calls, will you admit?"
"You are -appreciating the beauty- of another gal/dude, will you share?"
"You put on your usual, non exclusive image when you are together with or without him/her?"
"Will you tell him/her that the shirt on him/her totally sucks and just looks disgustingly wrong?"
Apparently, most gave negative feedback. Those questions were simple tests of truth, trust and open faith. Come on people, if you are unable to openly communicate with your loved one, how is it you are going to maintain a relationship? Seriously, my personal view on the first step to relationship is open communication. 100%. No compromise.
To the many of heart-broken out there, look through your past relationship and think of how it broke down. I would not deny, finding the right person is probably the hardest thing to do ever. Many times it occurs that THE ONE is standing right in front of you, but very often such turn out to be utter disappointments.
Understand this. True love is not about oogling over someone. True love is not about being being crazy over someone. True love is not about knowing every single bit about him/her. In short, true love is not mad infatuation. And most importantly, it's not about having sex (sex is just a bonus, after you properly fall in love, but no doubt it's important).
I was about to define love. But I realised I couldn't. Love does not exist in material, or even in words. L-O-V-E is just a representation, an alias for the emotion. I guess this is the closest I could give, ripped off my old poetry page. The emphasis lies on "a moment so abstract, it's undefined"
LOVE has no time and no space.
LOVE has no preference or judgement. All LOVE needs is a moment of truth. A Moment so abstract it's undefined.LOVE waits for no one. No one waits for LOVE.
For LOVE itself, Is a beautiful thing.
Anyway, this post might not gather much sense to many of you out there. But to many of those infatuated individuals, think twice of how much in love you are in. It may not even be love...
man serious stuff huh? and yeah, i agree with you, never believe it when ppl go
"omg, my baby boo, i love you SOOO MUCH...muax!!!! A&B forever and ever"
anyway, you need to
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