Friday, September 29, 2006

The Medical Officer

"I am sorry but your eczema affects less than 30% of your entire body. Our guidelines state that for any exceptions with relation to National Service, 30% or more of the body has to be affected with eczema.

I have to say that if your eczema will get worse during National Service, AND I AM SURE IT PROBABLY WILL, you can then request for a downgrade.

I am sorry but I am unable to help you."

This was the response of the medical officer at Central Man Power Base just this morning when I made a long trip down from Bishan to their location. With me was A LETTER OF VERIFICATION OF MY ECZEMA CONDITION from a skin specialist from Changi General Hospital.

This, was the final response of the Medical Classification Center. Let me provide a brief overview of what happened BEFORE THAT.

8:50 AM - Seated and waiting for queue number to be called.

9:00 AM - Referred to some sort of secretary of the Medical Officer.

9:10 AM - I was told that it was no big deal and I could just go home. I WAS NOT GIVEN A CHANCE TO SEE THE MEDICAL OFFICER.

9:30 AM - I Insisted on seeing the Medical Officer as according to research, perspiration does aggravate eczema and trust me, I have no desire of deteriorating the condition of my eczema.

9:45 AM - Entered the Medical Officer's room and above (first paragraph), was the response I obtained.

10:00 AM - Went off, pissed. 

I fail to understand why was it that another individual I came to know, with the exact same condition, was given a medical classification so as to ensure that his eczema, or rather his health, was kept at a safe level, whereas I was told to OBSERVE FOR ANY FORM OF MY CONDITION DETERIORATING before I was given such a chance.

Refer to the third paragraph of the Classical Version of the Hippocratic Oath

"I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice."

I would really love to enquire on the Medical Officer's view on the hippocratic oath and how he KEEPS THE SICK FROM HARM. It is to be understood that I have gone through 15 years of eczema, and even though conditions have dramatically improved over the years, the condemned skin of mine is just not able to adapt to certain forms of conditions.

And so, with direct relation to the Hippocratic Oath, in which every doctor has to undertake, was his judgement on my condition fair?


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